The Gun Violence Epidemic

The Gun Violence Epidemic


By Cory Gleason


handgunThere is no denying that the United States of America has a gun violence problem. It seems that every week to every month we here of a new shooting in our country. On June, 28, 2018 in Annapolis, Maryland, 5 people were shot and killed at the Capital Gazette newsroom. The victims were writers and editors who were just trying to do their jobs and their life was taken away from them from a man with a gun. Donald Trump of course tweeted his condolences giving his “thoughts and prayers” to the families of the victims but, what is actually being done about the violence? We too often receive notifications on our phones informing us of yet another shooting in our country and our government refuses to make a change. “Thoughts and prayers” can only go so far and it is about time the United States of America makes a change. This country needs stricter gun laws so we never have to log into our phones and read about another shooting again. 


School shootings like the Parkland High School shooting or the Sandy Hook elementary shooting serve as this countries grim reminder that this country is not safe. Parents now fear for their childs safety when sending them to school. Children in this country are dying as a result of this countries negligence when it comes to gun control and gun laws. I am sure that I am not alone in my opinion that I do not want to wake up a week from now and read about another shooting, but odds are I will. Our countries leaders need to take action and make the necessary changes to gun laws in order to make our school and work environments safe again. No one should have to fear for their safety every time they leave their house.


Gun violence has become an epidemic in this country that is spreading like the plague, taking the lives of innocent men, women and children. According to an article from CNN, there have been 23 school shootings in 2018 alone. This statistic was taken on May, 25, 2018 making it only 21 weeks into 2018. This averages out to more than one shooting a week. One shooting a week. Just saying that out loud should give the people of this country something to think about. Are we content with the U.S averaging one shooting a week? Former president Barack Obama shared his thoughts in the wake of the Capital Gazette shooting saying, “ I am hopeful that each time one of these tragedies strikes, we remind ourselves that this is preventable. It is not inevitable, that America is not the only nation on earth that has people who are troubled or violent, but we are unique in the weapons that those people can deploy, and it is costly.” The United States of America is the only country where we see a shooting a week. We need to reform our gun laws and make them stricter in order to prevent future shooting and senseless loss of life.


It requires more than prayers and sentiments to make a difference in the aftermath of gun violence. Two Capital Gazette employees share their thoughts in the aftermath of watching their colleagues get gunned down in front of them. Staff Writer Selene Felice said “ we need more than prayers. I appreciate the prayers. I was praying the entire time I was under that desk. I want your prayers, but I want something else.” Although  prayers can be helpful and soothing to the victims in the aftermath of a crisis it is more important to focus on how to prevent the crisis from ever happening again. States need to impose stricter restrictions on gun ownership in order to ensure that we do not remain the country that averages more than one shooting a week. Seattle has moved forward in their proposed gun control bill which would add requirements to gun storage and the reporting of a stolen firearm. An article from reports that The bill primarily proposes a requirement that all gun owners store their weapons in a locked container and are rendered unusable to anyone other than the owner. The bill would also impose a fine on anyone who fails report a missing or stolen firearm. Seattle mayor Jenny Durkan said in support of the proposed changes, “We know that unsecured, unsafely stored guns help fuel this crisis of violence because they are more likely to cause tragic accidents, fall into the wrong hands, or be used in suicides. Requiring that gun owners safely store their guns can help make our communities safer places to live.” Steps taken like the proposed reforms to gun laws in Seattle will help move America into the right direction. Imposing stricter gun laws in this country will help to make this country a safer place to be.


Oregon has also taken initiative in ending gun violence in this country by trying to pass two gun control legislations. An article from The Portland Mercury reports, “ The first, currently named Initiative Petition (IP) 43, would ban the sale of assault weapons and large-capacity magazines in Oregon. The second, IP 44, would hold Oregon gun owners liable if an unsupervised minor uses their firearm, would mandate that gun owners lock up their firearm when it’s not in use, and fine gun owners who fail to report a stolen or missing firearm.” These new legislations would help in the fight to cure the gun violence that has plagued this country for too long. The banning of assault weapons would make it harder for someone to enact mass violence and the IP 44 will help to ensure gun owners are more responsible for their weapons. Both policies can save lives and help to set an example for other states in the U.S in their fights against gun violence.


Those who oppose the proposed changes to gun laws often argue that the legislations violate their second amendment right to bear arms.  The changes proposed in Oregon (IP 43 and IP 44) are both being blocked by The National Rifle Association (NRA) because they want to protect the American peoples second amendment right. Those who oppose many proposed legislations that would enact stricter gun laws believe that the new laws will take away their rights as American citizens. Pro-gun supporters also argue that their right to own a firearm gives them the ability to defend themselves and their family. An article taken from Rolling Stone interview pro-gun supporter CJ Grisham said, “Gun rights activists will not be cowered by the liberal narrative that seeks to shame gun owners out of defending life and liberty.” Pro-gun supporters believe that their guns give them the power to defend themselves. I believe it is important to understand that owning a gun for protection is not why the United States faces a mass shooting epidemic. Many of the proposed legislations do not seek to take away anyones firearms as well. They only seek to impose stricter laws in order to keep the public safe. As the NRA and other supporters have stated , owning a gun is their second amendment right and the legislators who seek gun control and gun law reform do not intend on infringing on that right. Lawmakers who are fighting for gun control only seek to make it harder for guns to fall into the wrong hands.


Gun violence in America is a disease and reform is the cure. Our country needs to come together and help our legislators fight for change. We cannot continue to allow our family and friends to be gunned down because as a nation we could not agree on what to do. Columbine, Sandy Hook, Pulse Nightclub, and now the Capital Gazette. How many more shootings do we need to see? How many more times do we need to open up our iphones to a notification telling us more people were shot and killed at school or at work? Senator Chris Murphy had this to say in response to the Annapolis, Maryland shooting, “So awful that my colleagues still don’t understand their unconscionable silence has become a green light for would-be shooters, who perceive inaction as endorsement.” The silence from our governing body when it comes to changing this countries gun laws may as well be the same as putting the gun in the shooters hand. When we do nothing we are only supporting the actions of those who wish to do harm and disrespecting those whose lives were lost due to our inaction. Our countries gun laws need to be stricter in who we allow to purchase firearms as well as who what type of guns we allow to be sold. The proposed legislation’s in both Seattle and Oregon are helping our country move forward toward a future where the public does not have to fear being in public. Although the American people have the right to bear arms, the American people should also have the right to live.

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